Viewing entries tagged
The Fillmore SF

Chevelle with Black Map: The Fillmore SF


Chevelle with Black Map: The Fillmore SF

I recently had a chance to cover Chevelle's latest show at San Francisco's famed The Fillmore and which happened to be their first stop on this latest tour.  


The band brought their recognizable sound song structure and well-known stage show to a sold-out Fillmore with unmistakably happy, head-bobbing, long-time fans.  Chevelle had our full attention and the entire room sang along with every tune. The guests seemed to be really feeling  the 11 years of long time gratitude for the music, and after the performance they gave on this first day of the tour, I’m certain this performance will have only positive feedback from all who were fortunate enough to be present on this night.  Here's a bit from the night....

Bay Area's own Black Map took up the supporting role this night, came out swingin' with all pistons blazing and showed us all what to expect on this tour from them!

I had a chance to catch up with Ben Flanagan of Black Map for a quick interview... find that and my full show coverage and review on BAM Magzine!


Violent Femmes, "We Can Do Anything Tour": The Fillmore SF


Violent Femmes, "We Can Do Anything Tour": The Fillmore SF

I had the pleasure to cover the Violent Femmes on May 10, 2016, night 1 of 2 Sold Out dates at San Francisco's Fillmore on their We Can Do Anything tour!  And what a night this was... from the first verse, bass riff to the last drum hit, the Femmes entertained us off our happy nostalgic feet!  

Check out more photo coverage and my review on BAM Magazine:


Patti Smith: The Fillmore SF


Patti Smith: The Fillmore SF

The Legendary Patti Smith and her band kicked off a series of shows on Dec 29th at The Fillmore SF.  

More coverage up on SFweekly
 & read the review


The Devil In California: The Fillmore SF


The Devil In California: The Fillmore SF

Bay Area rockers The Devil In California hit the world famous Fillmore SF stage and left the crowd screaming.  Here's a little of what we had the pleasure to witness...

